This year, since our kids are getting older, we decided that instead of spending a bunch of money on things we don’t really need…that we would go on a Christmas Vacation to Ft. Myers Florida (where my Dad recently bought a condo,) and make some memories instead. And boy did we ever!! Being in the car for 15 hours with a teen, a pre-teen and a pup could be totally overwhelming, but to be completely honest, it was fun! We did rent a full sized SUV (and we were thankful for all the extra room to stretch out in.) And we didn’t set unrealistic expectations for when we had to be there, so we took breaks when we wanted and even stopped at Tomoka State Park in Florida for about an hour to do some walking around.
Things we learned on this trip:
Christmas Day is a great day to travel but nothing is open…New Years Day is much busier traffic wise
Always go left
Gopher Turtles are very curious and will chase you
Don’t walk your bully mid- day at Lover’s Key
Lover’s Key is inundated with Raccoons and we even saw on that tried to follow us
Sanibel Island is awesome…but you should be there by 8 am…park near the lighthouse…bring goggles…and the point near the lighthouse has the BEST shells
Ft Myers beach is crowded but fun and has sand dollars under the sand that you will find between your toes.
Dogs can go in all the stores at Miromar Outlets
Fire Ants are FO’ REAL!!
Monkey in the middle is a contact sport and you must make the required effort
Two coffee drinks for Leigh is two too many
The best trees were near Fort Meade…back lit Spanish moss makes me giddy
Taqueria San Julian is freakin Delicious and CHEAP!
The Butterfly Estates in Ft Myers is kind of a rip off…but the crepes there at ZCrepes Cafe are amazing!
Florida’s wildlife is crazy…deer, raccoons, gopher turtles, alligators, rabbits, crazy beach surfing dolphins, frogs, birds, sticky’s…etc…
Being present is the BEST Christmas present we can give each other every single day!
It was definitely a great tradition to unplug, unwind and just enjoy these people that I love so much! I hope to make this an annual thing! Can’t wait to plan next year’s trip!! Happy New Year!
Tomoka State Park for a break from the car! This is where we met the Gopher Turtle!
Had to stop near Ft Meade for these trees…they were SO BEAUTIFUL!
Lover’s Key State Park
Walking the trails at my Dad’s development
My Love
Ft Myers Beach
(Go Left…)
Sanibel Island
He got bit by a crab! LOL!
Shells everywhere!
Beach dolphins!
Morgan caught this fish…with her bare hands!
I see you!
Bizarro world!
Butterfly place
Got to see one of our BFF’s from college! It was great to catch up!
Tru stole my camera!
The gold band around it means it is a Monarch chrysalis.
And we got to see my Cousins and his kids! Made my day!!
My Uncle!
Back to Sanibel on New Years Eve…this was our set up for the day!
Make your own seat
Happy New Year!