When these two came home from school on Friday, they looked so cute and the Spring flowers were so pretty, I said “photo shoot?” And they were all in. Well, actually Morgan took some convincing…but once we got her on our side, we had a blast! We went out and took advantage of my pear tree being in bloom and then went up the road to the beautiful cherry trees in the neighborhood in Norfolk Virginia. Aislinn and Morgan were awesome models and always smiling…even though I made them blow petals forEVER! They also were goofy and fun and gorgeous!! I love hanging out with these two, cause they keep me laughing and are such great 15 year olds! I hope they are friends forever because I love Aislinn like she is one of my own…(and the rest of her Family, too.) And I apologize to her Dad, Brian, for how gorgeous she looks in these photos. Start cleaning that shotgun!!
The MANY faces of Aislinn
Morgan finally got into the action!
These two are hysterical!
Morgan was supposed to blow the petals AT Aislinn…but she threw them and ran! 🙂
So we let Aislinn get her back!
I wish I could stop these two from growing up…just a little longer…
Oh and Morgan took this of me showing them “How” I wanted them to blow the petals. Looked WAY BETTER when they did it!