That’s right, his middle name is literally Danger! And with those eyes, I predict he will be a Dangerous little fellow, one day. I feel so lucky to have been able to photograph little Waves, especially since I was his Parents wedding photographer. As I am sure you have read before, I LOVE my job, but it is so special to be able to follow the lives of my clients as they expand and grow. I met with Whitney in their Virginia Beach home to photograph little Waverly. He did a great job, even though he did not want to miss one minute and stayed awake the whole time. But since he has some of the most expressive eyes I have ever seen on a baby, it was great. Thanks Bennetch Family for allowing me to photograph your little bundle of joy…Jimmy, he looks EXACTLY like YOU!!!
Are these MY fingers??
Jimmy, because I adore you and your wife, I will allow the Eagles on my blog…just this once!
To see more from Waverly’s session, check out the client viewing tab of my website… Leigh Skaggs Photography