Little Jack reminds me so much of my Daughter, Morgan. He did not want to waste a second of our session sleeping, when there was so much exciting stuff happening at his home in Norfolk Virginia. His little eyes would get heavy for a second or two, but then, BING!, wide awake again. I spent a good amount of time getting to know his Big Sister, Avery, while Mom and Dad tried all the tricks to make him sleepy…but nothing worked. So we did their Family session…then rescheduled for another time, to do his Newborn session. When I came back, he was sleeping when I got there…but once I walked into the house, BING!, wide awake again! So, I tried all my tricks…we did get a little bit of sleep out of him, but really he was just too curious for sleep. But with beautiful blue eyes like that, who can blame him for wanting them to be photographed! 🙂
Avery is adorable!
Riding her little scooter
What a doll!!
Showing me her toys and telling me stories
I LOVE this curl so much!
Kisses from Dad
Kisses for Jack
Kisses for Mom
Hi there Jack!
The progression of Sleep
But not for long!!
I LOVE Baby Yawns
I took the Pacifier away from him and he grabbed his little fist and stuck his thumb in! LOVE!
It was a pleasure meeting you Jack and Avery! Thanks so much for being excellent models! 🙂 To see more of Jack and Avery please visit my website at Leigh Skaggs Photography and click on the Client Viewing tab!