It was such a pleasure getting to meet Allie, Sean, Cora & Annalee the other day. They are quite the adorable Family. Cora is a wonderful big Sister and did such a great job with her new little Sister. I had a great time talking to her about her colors (her favorite is pink) and I loved meeting their HUGE dog. <—-Incidentally I did NOT take a picture of their dog and Jay did lay into me for this! 🙂 Annalee was a wonderful Baby and slept for most of the session. She has the prettiest little lips! I really loved working with her at their Norfolk home. We were lucky enough to get one of those warm Norfolk days and we headed outside to grab some shots with the neighbors beautiful trees. Oh how I love Fall in Virginia!! Thanks everyone for the fun session…it was so nice to meet you all!! 🙂
Love her Lips!
What a doll!
Love baby Fingernails!
Thanks Megan for all your help!!