We absolutely had to take advantage of the beautiful day that we were lucky enough to get on my Birthday, yesterday. So we loaded up the car and headed on down to First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach Virginia. I have been here many times with clients, but never with MY Family. We took the trail near the beach and were pleasantly surprised to find a sea of Spanish moss. I absolutely LOVE that stuff. So cool and eerie. I think it would be the best place to do a unique photo shoot. Maybe something Hansel and Gretel-ish. I don’t generally ask to be on the other side of the camera…but am trying new things for 2014, so I let both of the kids try their hand at photography (they were both awesome) and Jay took some photos of me with the kids, too! Usually, I delete most of the images taken of me, but this time there were lots that I liked…so way to go you three!! Thanks for the awesome Birthday!
This is not posed…they were just standing there this way. 🙂 Photographer’s Children!
Morgan has always wanted to try “Vadering” so this is our attempt. 🙂
Love me some Jay! Morgan took these…
Truman took these…
My favorite Fur baby
Tru took these…my camera is heavy…which accounts for the lean!
These were Morgan!