I really went through a VERY awkward stage when I was a teenager. It was NOT pretty! But my Daughter has somehow skipped the awkward teenage stage and gone straight to drop dead GORGEOUS! It literally hurts my eyes to look at her sometimes. I love her so much it gives me pains in my heart.
This evening she had a dance at the Norfolk Yacht Club for school. She only has a few more months left in middle school. I am stunned that she is almost in high school. Time is moving WAY TOO FAST! The only thing I can do at this point is capture her in photographs to help me stop time ever so briefly…because before I know it she will be off to college, and I will be lost without her…Morgan you will always be my Baby Girl! I love you!
Morgan’s freakishly small feet and soccer bruised legsChoosing a color scheme
Work it Baby!
Billy Idol impersonation
Every self-respecting teenager should have a cell phone pocket in their dress!
Her first adult-sized pair of shoes that fit her…size 5!
Her big “Brother”, Jeremy…who was NOT happy I was letting her go out lookin so fly!