This past week, I finished my goal to tackle the Crossfit Open, to not die and to not finish last…and I must say, I even surprised myself. Last year, during the open, I watched the people that I looked up to at the gym take on these workouts and I thought…”I won’t EVER be able to do THAT!” This year, I decided, “what the heck,” “I will give it a try!” “I mean how bad could I be?!?!” If nothing else, it would show me all the things I need to work on. And, in the end, it did exactly that! I learned that I have so much to work on this year to get ready for next year’s open. And I am excited to keep trying to improve myself. It wasn’t too long ago that being 42, sounded like the oldest thing in the world to me. If you had told my 22 year old version that my 42 year old version would learn to do pull-ups, double unders, squat 193#’s, deadlift over 200#’s, that I wouldn’t hate burpees and could push press like a boss, I would have laughed at you and said you were delusional. But that is exactly what I can do now! And while I will never be a stick figure skinny model…I sure can bench press one!
And you know what else, I didn’t even finish last! I was in the top 1/3 in the world, for my age category, I RX’s 2 of the 5 workouts, and I DIDN’T DIE!!! So a big fat THANK YOU goes out to all the people at Crossfit Norfolk that pushed me to try harder, to pick it up…”just one more” time…to never give up and to believe in myself. Thank you to my swole-mates that helped me get outside my comfort zone. To the people that came every Friday night and gave everything they had…then stayed to cheer for me and make sure I did, too. I honestly had a blast, and can’t wait to do it again!
And a shout out to my Little Man. He is too young to sign up for the Open, but he did every single workout…in an 11 year old “scaled for Tru” category…and he was a BEAST! Super proud of you Truman for trying so hard every week, for not giving up, and for being my little inspiration! Thanks for cheering for me and working out with me!
I finished in the Crossfit Open!
Thanks Rosebud Photography for the GREAT photo of my boy!!