I cannot believe that my Son is 9 today! If turning 40 a few weeks ago didn’t make me feel old enough…having a 9-year-old Son definitely does! 🙂 Truman is an amazing little boy. He has a love for life that is contagious. He wants to learn how to do everything you are doing and anything you will teach him. Jay has been teaching him to cook…and he is getting very good at it. He has been helping us paint the upstairs…he helps me clean the house, sort the laundry, and vacuum. He loves to sing and dance. He loves to play sports and ride his bike, kayak and longboard. He loves soccer, plays his heart out on a competitive team and loves learning everything he can. This year he tried out for the school talent show and to be the school Treasurer and was awarded both, because of his hard work. This year, we read all of the books by Roald Dahl and have almost finished The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. He excels in Math (something I STINK at) and has the most points in his school in First in Math, a game the schools play to help increase the kids Math skills.
But the thing that makes me the most proud of who he is are the examples of how sweet and kind he is to others. When he won the Treasurer position, I picked him up at school and he told me he won…he was walking by me when he said it and I snagged him, picked him up and twirled him around. He said “put me down, put me down”. I thought he didn’t want me swinging him in front of the other kids at the school, but he told me that one of the kids in his class had tried out for another position and didn’t make it. She was sad and still in the school and he didn’t want to rub it in her face. He has a unique ability to empathize with what others are feeling and I love this about him.
Oh, and the one thing he asked for, for his 9 Birthday…9 minutes of snuggle time with his Mom. Is that an awesome kid or what!?!? I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I absolutely adore him!! Thanks for being mine Truman! And Happy Birthday little Man!! XOXO!
Here is Truman a year in review! 🙂
As is our custom…the kids get measured on every Birthday and get a new mark on the wall…Tru is steadily growing!
His face when he realized he could see my eye in the lens, this morning! 🙂
I love you Truman! Happy 9th Birthday! Can’t wait to get our cheese dip and Fajitas on tonight! Right before that snuggle time, of course!!