I know people say all the time that “it seems like yesterday…” but honestly…it does…
It seems like yesterday, we were driving to the hospital to meet my little, Truman. I can’t believe that my Baby, my Super Snuggle buddy, my grocery shopping cart pusher, my Super Mario player 2, my car singing duet partner, my “just one more chapter Mom”, story reader, My let’s shoot some hoops or play soccer friend, my favorite little boy in the whole wide world… is 8 years old, today. How did that happen? Where did the time go? He is going to be 16 before I know it, and then he won’t need me anymore. The thought of this makes the lump in my throat so tight I can barely breathe. Because I know that time moves so quickly, and that the control freak in me is helpless to slow it down. But I do know one thing I can do. I can savor every moment I have. So while I know that soon enough, he will rather play video games with his friends, than his Mom…and that soon enough he will rather snuggle with his girlfriend than his Mom (goodness help me on that one), I will always remember that there was a time when it was just me and him and all he wanted was “just 2 more minutes of snuggle time, Mom”…”just 1 more chapter, please”… Happy Birthday baby!
My New Baby Boy!
The power of a sandwich…:-)
Love those cheeks!
I am 2!
Look who’s 3!
4 Years old!
5 Years old…
My baby at 6!
7 Years old!
8 year old True!
I Love you Truman! Happy Birthday!