When Katie contacted me about doing a Superhero shoot for her Son, Wyatt, I was SUPER excited! Wyatt LOVES Superheros and to get to dress up and “save” Norfolk was so much fun. He rescued the USS Wisconsin and a frog and his sidekick Sister, Parley was glad to help him do it! This was so much fun! Thanks Katie and Aaron for choosing me to be a part of such a great idea!
Gorgeous Family!
Parley (like Carley with a “P” is so adorable!)
Wyatt is so sweet!
She loves her sunglasses!
Superhero in the House!
I felt very safe!
He can jump very high and run very fast!
Wyatt’s sassy sidekick
Gun show!
Superhero frog rescue
Mission accomplished
Superhero Ship Rescue
My Sister is safe, and my work here is done!