WOW!! 15!?!?!? That is just…WOW! 15 years ago today, I was scared to death! I can honestly recall that day like it was yesterday. Morgan was a breech baby and refused to flip. My Dr. did everything he could to coax her, but being a girl who has ALWAYS marched to the beat of her own drummer…Morgan chose to stay head up with one foot around her neck and one jumping up and down on my bladder. 🙂 So our C-section was scheduled. They let me choose a date between the 14th and 19th. It was an easy choice…My Dad’s Birthday is the 19th, so I figured I would give him his first Grand Child for his Birthday!! 🙂 We all headed to the hospital super early got settled in and then they separated Jay and I so they could do my spinal. I was terrified!! Literally!! I tried to put on a brave face, but all I wanted was for Jay to be in that room with me. Ironically enough, my Mom says he was on the other side of the door, pacing up and down the hallway saying “when are they coming to get me” “she is scared, and she needs ME!!!” Though it felt like forever, they finally brought him in and within a few minutes we had Baby Morgan!! When I was in recovery, trying to Jedi mind trick my feet to move so that I could get to my Baby…I heard Jay outside in the hall…he had brought her to me. Morgan’s blood sugar was low and they wanted her to nurse. So I got to ride up to my room with my Jay and my Morgan and all was finally right with the world!
It isn’t always easy. Raising kids it the HARDEST thing I have ever done. And I make A LOT of mistakes. But one thing you can always count on is how much I love, Morgan. NO MATTER WHAT…I LOVE YOU!
Being a teenager today is hard. They are dealing with things that we never had to. And being a parent of a teenager is hard, too! They aren’t always very likable…and some days you really feel like you are totally screwing everything up. What works well one day doesn’t work the next…they are smart and sneaky and some days you just want to crawl into bed and just give up…but then they come to you and tell you all about their day or ask for your advice or if they can help you or say I love you…you know that this is just a phase…like the terrible two’s and potty training. Someday…(hopefully sooner than later)…they will shed the cocoon of teen angst and emerge a wonderful, caring, responsible adult!
So HAPPY 15th Birthday, Morgan!! We love you with all that we have and are proud of you…EVERY DAY! You are a really great kid! You are so funny and smart. I love the way you think about things in a way I never even considered. Your sarcasm and dark humor are hysterical and your confidence in yourself is so refreshing! And you are So Beautiful that it hurts my eyes to look at you some days!
Hang in there!! We will all get through the icky teen years…just in time to send Truman through!
Age 14….Age 15! What a difference a year makes!
I’m 15!!!
You are such a goofball!
Morgan “Moon-walking” 🙂
I love you, too!
Typically Teen face
The one I prefer!
And a Special Shout out to my Dad!! Happy Birthday! We LOVE YOU!!!