When I met with Rob, Jill, Alden and Taylor in Chesapeake at Oak Grove Lake Park, they told me they hadn’t had a Family portrait done since Alden was a baby. They said that getting their photo taken was like going to the Doctor’s office. Torture! Oh NO, I thought! This can’t be true! This gorgeous family, who knows how to work a camera, hates to be photographed??? Travesty!! But to be completely honest, I totally understand! I HATE to have my photo taken. Absolutely HATE it. I feel much more at ease on the other side of the camera, directing and helping others to bring out their inner model. And let me tell you, the Ewell family, has 4 inner model’s! Check out how beautiful they all are!!
Sorry Alden I couldn’t resist your purse modelling pic!
So if you are waiting to have your Family Portrait’s done, because you would rather have teeth extracted, than have your photos taken…remember…that’s what this Family said too, and look how gorgeous they are. Give me the chance to change your mind about having photographs taken…now if only I could take my own follow myself around with a camera! 🙂
To see the Ewell’s entire session please visit the Client Viewing section of my website at Leigh Skaggs Photography