I have been living in Norfolk Virginia for 17 years now, and one of the things that I always find so special is the homecomings. I watch these Families that haven’t seen one another in several months (sometimes a year) reunite and I can’t help but be affected by all the emotions they are feeling. So when I heard about Operation Love Reunited, I was moved to sign up and give back to the people who sacrifice so much for us.
The USS Vella Gulf was my first homecoming and I was so honored to be a part of Jason, Stephanie and Lyla reuniting. Jason went to sea when Lyla was about 2 months old, so the changes she has gone through in the 7 months he has been gone were very surprising for him. I think he and Stephanie were a little bit worried about how she might react, since it had been so long…and it was nap time…but once he got off the ship and picked her up, she was literally thrilled to see him! She hugged him, beamed at him, snuggled with him and was truly ecstatic to see her Daddy! It was so fun and moving to see! Thank you all for allowing me to document such an amazing time in your lives. And thank you all for your sacrifice to our country.
Getting ready to get Daddy!
The USS Vella Gulf
Waving at Dad
Some other Happy Reunions while we waited for Jason to get off the ship
Here he Comes!!
Love the looks on their faces
Thanks again for allowing me to be a part of your special reunion! To see more of the Shaw’s Homecoming photos please visit the client viewing tab of my website at Leigh Skaggs Photography